History of Hanham Common
The original Hanham Common was enclosed in 1865 following an Act of Parliament. The award gave seven acres of land to the Church Wardens and Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of Bitton, part as allotment for exercise and recreation, and part for garden allotments for the labouring poor. It appears that garden allotments were not used and the whole land was used as a recreation ground.
The responsibility of the Church Wardens and Overseer passed to the Parish Council by S6 of the Local Government Act 1894.
Warmley Rural District Council registered the land as a Village Green in 1969 and this registration was subsequently confirmed with Hanham Abbots Parish Council.
Hanham Common today
The name ‘Hanham Common’ is a misnomer as it is actually a Registered Village Green. It is used for recreation nowadays and includes a children’s play area, teenage shelter, pavilion and football pitches. Hanham Common is the venue for the annual fayre and is a beautiful open space which is enjoyed by all. The parish council employs a warden who works very hard to keep the area looking neat and tidy.