Hanham Abbots Parish Council
Welcome to the Hanham Abbots Parish Council website.
This site has been developed to give the residents access to their Parish Council.
We hope to regularly update these pages to communicate what the Parish Council wishes to achieve throughout the year and what progress is being made on any current projects or issues which have been raised.
The parish council has now resumed face to face meetings with social distancing measures being observed, availability of hand sanitizer and mask wearing being encouraged. View the schedule of meetings up until March 2024.
Access to Information
We have already incorporated an archive of the Parish Council minutes from meetings September 2018 onwards and will continue to upload the latest dates and minutes from all the Parish Council meetings onto this site. If you wish to see copies of minutes prior to September 2018 then please contact the Clerk.
We will use the News and Events column to keep you informed about local information and other items which we think are important for you to know. The column will also carry details about what’s happening in the area and we encourage the organisers of events to let us know, using the contact form, so we can provide further publicity for your activities.
Who are we?
For a detailed list of all current members, please visit the councillors page.
What does the Parish Council do?
• The Parish Council regularly meet to discuss local issues
• Support and encourage ongoing community engagement initiatives
• Maintain devolved assets at a local level
• Support the economic diversity and prosperity of the parish
• Review planning applications and make comment as appropriate
Meeting Schedule
For the locations and times of Parish Council meetings please refer to the individual agendas.